====== install ======
- make your password something terrible like "temp" - terminal emulators accept keypresses for weird-ass symbols pretty well, but most things don't cooperate with password managers.
- apt-get install sudo
- usermod -a -G sudo adam
- find ''/etc/ssh/sshd_config'', set PasswordAuthentication to yes
- ''sudo service ssh restart''
- login as ssh, fix passwords (for both self and root!)
- setup pubkey login
- sudo apt-get install vim
- dotnet consideration: on debian12 there's ''/etc/profile''. On some systems there may only be ''~/.bash_profile''. debian 12 for example says that if it finds that it'll override ''/etc/profile'' and ''~/.profile'' If you're using dotnet, you want to turn off MS spyware (as best you're able). Add this line: ''export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1''
====== create a user ======
''sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash [username]; passwd [username]''
* -m is for "**M**ake a home directory, obviously, dafuq is wrong with you"
* -s is for "**S**hell should be the following", there's a default you can set in some file somewhere
if you fucked up and missed the -s: ''chsh -s /bin/bash''. fuck knows what ''chsh'' without ''-s'' is for.
====== cooperate with nas ======
- at time of writing, my nasbox follows the file access/organization strategy of "heap (none)". so there's /mnt/pool1/exchange, mode 775, owned by group 1024: exchangers.
- groupadd -g 1024 exchangers
usermod -a -G exchangers adam
- you'll need some kind of program to mount NFS shares. on debian 11, ''apt-get install nfs-common''
- make the target directory. I've been using /srv/gusion.
- now you can edit ''/etc/fstab'': gusion.lan:/mnt/pool1/exchange /srv/gusion nfs defaults 0 0
- sudo mount -a
====== join the wireguarden ======
[[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-wireguard-on-ubuntu-20-04|digital ocean tutorial]]
====== kodi ======
- install it. it's in ''apt''.
- once you've mounted gusion, just go to videos and add a source.
- enable remote: settings -> services -> control (you can be in "standard")
- set your username, and password, port if you like
- turn it on. it loves to turn itself back off :')
- android remotes don't have to be explicit peers.
- enable deletion: be "Advanced"; settings -> media -> general -> Allow file renaming and deletion
====== raspberry pi ======
mount the boot partition.
1) make yourself a user
echo "myuser:$(echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin)" > userconf
2) enable ssh
touch ssh
yes, that's all. really. blank file.
3) if you want wifi:
make ''wpa_supplicant.conf''.
if it's wpa3/wpa2 mixed:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
ssid="Your network name/SSID"
psk="Your WPA security key"
if it's just wpa2, remove the ''ieee80211w=2'' line